Matt Watters
Dream Phaze - Germination
Global Ebook Award Winner!
2021 Sci-fi category - Bronze
Matt lives in Sydney, Australia.
'This narrative began as a short story in 2014. Over subsequent years it evolved through several plot, character and title iterations until Dream Phaze emerged as an episodic series published online in 2018. These episodes, collectively known as Germination, are now an ebook and paperback. Dream Phaze - Imagination, the second ebook in the series, was published March, 2022. Dream Phaze - Fascination, the third book, is coming.'
Andy Warhol said, “Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art".
I have decided to get it done. Readers can decide if they like it not.
Member of:
- Australian Society of Authors
- Alliance of Independent Authors
- International Association for the Study of
- Vertical Flight Society
Email Matt if you need to know more: mw(at)dreamphaze.com
International Association
for the Study of Dreams
Dream Phaze - Imagination
Global Ebook Award Winner!
2022 Sci-fi category - Gold

SkyRacers novella released August 2023. Click cover to explore!

My Recommendations
for the best fiction
books incorporating dreams
on Shepherd.com
A Dreampunk Convergence
edited by Cliff Jones Jr.
Published Jan 2024 by Fractured Mirror Publishing (USA)
Short Story 'Nova' by Matt Watters
Available on
Barnes and Noble